MIINs -Minimalist travel, free yourself -

MIINs is a backpack designed for people who want to travel the world in a more active and unique style, free from efficiency and uniformity.

Brand Concept

Minimal and Minority


Unlike workdays, which require efficiency, private time is minimalist, with only the things you need to be active. The rounded shape and lustrous fabric create a sophisticated style.


No need to be uniform. Design panels that free you from constraints and allow you to create your own style

MIINs Story

A backpack that goes beyond conventional concepts

The Covid-19 pandemic and technological advances are causing rapid changes in our lifestyles.

Efficiency and uniformity are important, but to open up a new world, it's more fun to let go of them and experience and act in your own way.

MIINs is a backpack that was created to realize these values.